Sunday 18 September 2016

A Good Name

My full name is: "Luiza Helena Diniz Esteves Ferreira"
Each of those five names has a different meaning and origin.

Before I start explaining the mythology and meaning of each name, I will highlight my parents' intentions when they named me. 

My first name is Luiza because that was the name of my mom's grandma and she was Italian. My great grandmother is where my mom would spend most of her weekends, therefore she named me the name of one of her favorite persons and also someone she looked up to. Secondly I was named Helena because that was the name of my grandmother of my dad's side. My parents chose to make my name a compost name and add Helena to it because my grandma always wanted a daughter but she only had sons and I was the first girl to be born in my dad's side of the family. Diniz comes from my mom's side that she got from her father. Esteves came from my dad's side that he got from his mom and lastly but not least Ferrreira came from my dad's side that he got from his father. 

Transitioning to the meaning of each name and where they come form in history is quite a roller coaster ride. Luiza has a German origin. The name itself means "Glorious Warrior".
Described as a person who is relaxed and love making new friends, communicative and intelligent. Helena comes from the Portuguese and the Greek origin. Helena means "shining light". Described to be beautiful inside and out, hilarious, caring and sarcastic. Diniz has also a Greek and Portuguese origin. The names means someone that is dedicated to the spirit of the water. Diniz originated from the name of the Greek God called Dionysus, and he was the God of Wine. Esteves has a portuguese origin. The name itself means "the son of the Crowned". Finally Ferreira has also a portuguese origin and the name translates to "one that comes from the land rich in Iron". The colors associated with this name are red and gold and the object associated with this name is a horseshoe. Although because it is a Portuguese name, many people can't read it properly because of the sound of the double "rr's" and because of that I've had many people call me "Ferrari" since it is a similar name.  

The reason why so many of my names' origin are Portuguese, is because Portugal colonized Brazil, and with that also came the language that we speak. 

I believe that the significance behind each of my five names clearly and perfectly describes me as the person I am today. I believe that in one way or another the names that we have are in a way meant to be. Somehow in one way or another, knowing or not knowing, we will live up to our names because in order for someone to have decided the characteristics of a certain name, there had to be a trend of people with that same name having similar personality. I think that each person that comes and goes in this world adds a characteristic to their name, because after they are gone that becomes history. 


  1. Hey Luiza ! I found it very fascinating to read your blog post. Your parents certainly pick the perfect name to you as it matches your personally so well. "Luiza has a German Origin, The name itself means " Glorious Warrior". Described as a person who is relaxed and love making new friends" You are such a warrior like goodness gracious. That word says it all! You would fight until you achieve what you deserve and love to make new friends. I found it interesting that your parents made your name a compost name, it was very sweet to make your compost name to be your grandmother's name, specifically because she didn't have any daughters, making it very sentimental.

  2. Hi Luiza. I am actually blown away by how much significance your name holds! The fact that each of your five names is inextricably linked to your ancestors is quite a fascinating fact. Furthermore, the meanings of the names do essentially come together to solidify your incredible personality. The one aspect that stood out to me was how you expressed the notion of "names are meant to be". I am in complete agreement with that idea and do believe that you have made several valid points in your blogpost. Well done Shining Goddess.
